Lehi's Family Flees Jerusalem

  1. 2. Lord says Nephi has this first quality (1 of 3) Ne 2
  2. 7. When Lehi and family arrive at Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea), he built an altar of Ne 1
  3. 9. Nephi wrote in what language Ne 1
  4. 10. When Lehi challenges Nephi to go back to Jerusalem, Nephi says he will "go and Ne3
  5. 11. Lord says Nephi has this second quality (2 of 3) Ne 2
  1. 1. Laman and Lemuel question the power of the Lord to deliver up who Ne3
  2. 3. Lord says Nephi has this third quality (3 of 3) Ne 2
  3. 4. Lehi sees these others following Jesus Ne 1
  4. 5. Lehi lived in a Ne 2
  5. 6. Lehi saw who in his first dream Ne 1
  6. 8. Nephi says the Lord will show what kind of mercies Ne 1