Leigh and Joe

  1. 2. Make of groom's car
  2. 3. Favorite cuisine for takeout/delivery
  3. 6. Groom's outdoor hobby
  4. 7. Couple's favorite beach
  5. 8. Groom's middle name
  6. 11. Couple's hardest hike
  7. 12. Groom's cat's name
  8. 14. Groom's undergraduate alma mater
  9. 15. Favorite hamburger chain to eat at after a hike
  10. 21. Number of countries the couple have been to outside the US
  11. 22. Groom's favorite sport to watch
  12. 23. Groom's favorite brewery
  13. 24. Groom's favorite store to buy clothes
  14. 26. Where the groom proposed
  15. 27. Bride's favorite cuisine
  16. 28. First peak hiked together
  1. 1. Number of National Parks the couple has been to together
  2. 3. Number of cruises the couple have been on
  3. 4. First National Park the couple went to
  4. 5. Groom's favorite type of sandwich
  5. 6. Bride's favorite sport to watch
  6. 9. Bride's cat's name
  7. 10. Bride's undergraduate alma mater
  8. 13. Most recent National Park the couple went to
  9. 16. City where groom's graduate school is located
  10. 17. Uniform piece that groom loves to wear the most
  11. 18. Where bride attended graduate school
  12. 19. Favorite place in the Bay Area to Hike
  13. 20. Make of bride's car
  14. 25. Bride's middle name