- 2. it is a poem about living in the moment and enjoying life.
- 3. It is when you briefly restate the ideas in a writer’s book.
- 6. It is the writer’s attitude towards their subject.
- 9. It is when you violate a command or law.
- 10. It is when you spread through every part of something.
- 15. He was known as the “author of america”.
- 16. It was an intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and advocated simple, mindful life.
- 17. It is when you act with sudden or rash energy.
- 19. Poets who emphasized living a simple life, believed intuition can lead to knowledge, and believed in the inherent goodness of people.
- 21. It is a story about being true to yourself.
- 23. Poets who emphasized moral themes in work, were viewed as equals of British poets, and stressed individualism.
- 24. It is a story about how everyone is equal in nature.
- 25. It is short accounts of personal incidents.
- 26. It is a story about how Henry David Thoreau lived in nature.
- 28. He was a Transcendentalist who only sold 2 books when he was alive.
- 29. He was known as the leader of the Transcendentalists.
- 1. It is a story about how we should listen to our conscience and do something when there is something we don’t agree with.
- 2. It is low contemptible or wretched.
- 4. It is a poem about how nature will continue as it is even after we have died.
- 5. It is where you are suited to someone's needs or nature such as being agreeable.
- 7. The underlying message or the central idea of a work that can be stated in one sentence.
- 8. It is where in a book there are abstract ideas that are appealing and easier to understand.
- 11. It is someone who does not follow accepted beliefs, customs, or practices.
- 12. It is where a writer makes vivid impressions for the reader.
- 13. He was the best-known member of the Fireside poets.
- 14. It is a poem about death.
- 18. It is a feeling of doubt, mistrust, and uncertainty.
- 20. It is a disturbance of emotions such as agitation and uneasiness.
- 22. It is where you carefully examine a writer’s ideas and make judgments.
- 27. It is when you are in an unhurried and thoughtful manner.