Lent, Triduum, and Easter

  1. 2. Festival books, green, a nuisance to carry
  2. 3. passion, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
  3. 5. gave Jesus a cloth
  4. 7. Most famous betrayer
  5. 10. Memorial site
  6. 12. 40 days during which Christians remember the events leading up to and including the death of Jesus Christ,
  7. 13. Jewish high priest in the New Testament; son-in-law of Annas
  8. 18. Taking Lord's name in vain
  9. 19. Friday before Easter
  10. 20. Word before "smokes" or "mackerel"
  11. 21. The garden in Jerusalem in which Christ was betrayed on the night before his Crucifixion
  12. 23. Joining ritual; beginning
  13. 25. he period of three days that begins with the liturgy on the evening of Maundy Thursday
  14. 26. acronym for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
  15. 29. Twelve men of the New Testament
  16. 32. Thursday before easter
  17. 33. Ten days before Pentecost
  18. 34. Dinner for thirteen
  19. 35. A journey to a sacred place
  20. 36. Church doctrine concerning the Eucharist
  21. 37. Religious court had sinner converted
  22. 38. Abstaining from food
  23. 39. Prayer before eating
  1. 1. Christian term for the seven days preceding Easter Sunday
  2. 4. the name given to the unnamed Roman soldier who pierced the side of Jesus with a lance
  3. 6. The Sunday before Easter
  4. 8. ___ Sunday, Christian feast day that occurs a week after Palm Sunday
  5. 9. Roman governor who crucified Christ
  6. 11. Forty-day lead-up to Easter
  7. 14. The beginning of Lent
  8. 15. Festival celebrating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt
  9. 16. Simon of ___ , man compelled to carry the cross of Jesus before the crucifixion
  10. 17. There will be 14 stations on this ride
  11. 22. Christian sacrament of bread and wine
  12. 24. Period of three days' observance, eg at Easter
  13. 27. Generosity
  14. 28. The first person to see Christ after the Resurrection
  15. 30. Invocation to a god
  16. 31. Rising from the dead