
  1. 2. AMD ones suck,they are used to tell the computer what to do
  2. 4. connection used for graphics cards
  3. 7. it’s named after a king
  4. 9. portable computer
  5. 10. they are used to listen to things
  6. 12. different types ,thermal ,inkjet...
  7. 14. random memory
  8. 15. it can click
  1. 1. Heartz are used to refer to the refresh rate
  2. 3. sends a signal to the computer
  3. 5. Your using it at this moment
  4. 6. There are two types mechanical and membrane
  5. 8. the computer sends a signal
  6. 10. everything you can touch
  7. 11. there used on keyboards ,mouses and to turn on and of the light
  8. 13. amd and intel