Les jours de la semaine & les mois de l'annee

  1. 6. Last full month of summer.
  2. 8. Last day of the weekend.
  3. 9. Back to school.
  4. 10. Spring begins.
  5. 11. Day before Wednesday.
  6. 12. First full day of the weekend.
  7. 14. Valentine's Day.
  8. 15. First full month of summer.
  9. 16. Known for its flowers.
  1. 1. First month of the year.
  2. 2. Day after Wednesday.
  3. 3. Hallowe'en.
  4. 4. Remembrance Day.
  5. 5. First day of the school week.
  6. 7. TGIF.
  7. 8. Last month of the year.
  8. 13. Known for its showers.
  9. 15. School ends.
  10. 16. Hump Day.