Les jours de la semaine/les mois de l'année

  1. 3. month with Noel.
  2. 5. Sunday
  3. 6. March
  4. 8. April
  5. 9. day
  6. 10. May
  7. 11. Tuesday
  8. 13. Friday
  9. 14. August
  10. 15. July
  11. 18. first day of the year
  1. 1. number of days in most months
  2. 2. February
  3. 4. month with Halloween
  4. 7. Saturday
  5. 10. Wednesday
  6. 12. September
  7. 15. June
  8. 16. First day of the week
  9. 17. November
  10. 18. Thursday