- 3. numbers are all positive and negative numbers including decimals and fractions.
- 5. numbers all real numbers that cannot be expressed by a fraction.
- 6. the number that occurs the most in the data set. The number must occur at least once. There can be multiple modes in a data set as well as having no modes in a data set.
- 9. the average from the data set. Add up all numbers and divide by the amount of the data set.
- 10. the difference between the lowest and highest values in the data set.
- 11. number is a number that is greater than zero but is not a decimal or a fraction.
- 12. all positive and negative numbers but not a decimal or a fraction.
- 1. a value in the data set that is very different from the values. This is more of a judgment call rather than the use of a formula.
- 2. Examine in order to note significant differences between two or more things.
- 4. To break down into its parts and examine them; determine meaning from.
- 6. the middle number of the data set. The data set must be placed in order from least to greatest.
- 7. Examine in order to note likenesses between two things or what they have in common.
- 8. To back up, justify your answer, opinion, or claim (with evidence).