Lesson 1 Vocab

  1. 7. The fire drill caused a [ ] of the normal school day.
  2. 8. Though she was ruled innocent in court, the accusations [ ] her name.
  3. 10. A good listener must be [ ] the speaker.
  4. 11. The students were [ ] with homework and projects.
  5. 13. Nothing could embarrass Austin--he was completely [ ].
  6. 14. I wanted to ride Space Mountain, but the [ ] was too long of a wait.
  1. 1. The [ ] design of the slideshow distracted the students.
  2. 2. I used to think Batman was [ ], but it turns out even superheroes can make mistakes.
  3. 3. We had some good, [ ] fun spending the day outside in the fresh air.
  4. 4. Wearing sunscreen has become so [ ] it’s hard to believe my grandma never wore any!
  5. 5. I used an [ ] to clean my scraped knee.
  6. 6. Too many new vocabulary words at once is sure to [ ] the students.
  7. 9. Sally needed to be [ ] by the paramedics after passing out from the heat.
  8. 11. The smell of hot, fresh pizza [ ] the kids towards the cafeteria.
  9. 12. The class took a [ ] to the library during class yesterday.