Lesson 1: Where are you from?

  1. 1. 한복 are __________ clothes of Korean culture.
  2. 2. the country's flag is red with yellow stars
  3. 5.
  4. 8. 유재석 is _______.
  5. 9. Where are you from?
  6. 11. Georgina Teacher is from _________.
  7. 12. this country has a red flag with one red star
  8. 13. sweet ____ sour
  9. 14. a sombrero is a traditional hat from this country
  1. 1. 손흥민 lived here
  2. 2. country above the US
  3. 3. Kangeroo's live here
  4. 4. Good _________!
  5. 6. Good _______!
  6. 7. AM
  7. 8. Where are you _____?
  8. 10. 아줌마