Lesson 11-I think it's beautiful.

  1. 1. rich의 반대말
  2. 3. 생각하다
  3. 6. 제주도에는 한라_____이 있다.
  4. 10. October 31st
  5. 11. Traditional Korean mask used in dances or rituals.
  6. 14. I have no _______.
  7. 15. big의 반대말
  8. 16. Traditional Korean game where players throw arrows into a tall, wooden jar.
  9. 19. 건강한
  10. 20. 창의적인
  11. 21. Gayageum has ________ strings.
  12. 23.
  13. 24. 전통적인
  14. 26. Traditional Korean game with 4 sticks usually played with family on holidays.
  15. 27. 알다
  16. 28. Taekwondo is a korean ________.
  17. 29. 독도, 제주도 같은 곳
  1. 1. To make a Jack O' lantern, you need a ________ and candles.
  2. 2. 귀여운
  3. 4. 훌륭한, 멋진
  4. 5. Traditional Korean house.
  5. 7. Janggu is a korean musical _____________.
  6. 8. 아름다운
  7. 9. Traditional korean dress
  8. 12. 경복궁 is a korean ________.
  9. 13. 마을
  10. 17. 옷, 드레스
  11. 18. 맛있는
  12. 21. ask for candies, ________ or treat.
  13. 22. Traditional Korean food made with rice, seasoned vegetables, and gochujang.
  14. 25. Do you know ________ korea?
  15. 30. Sapsalgae is a korean _______.