Lesson 11. I think it's beautiful _ crossword puzzle

  1. 1. 지루한
  2. 2. Traditional Korean music
  3. 5. Do you know about the redbull drink? I think it's ( ).
  4. 10. 전통적인
  5. 11. big의 반댓말
  6. 13. I have no ( ).
  1. 1. Traditional Korean food made with rice, seasoned vegetables, and gochujang.
  2. 3. 경탄할 만한, 어마어마한, 엄청난. Do you know about hanok? I think it's ( ).
  3. 4. 장관인, 엄청난 Ollie의 아빠가 한국의 토스트를 먹고 한 말. That's ( ).
  4. 6. 사랑이 is 추성훈's ( ).
  5. 7. 독도, 제주도 같은 곳
  6. 8. 마을
  7. 9. rich의 반댓말
  8. 12. 생각하다