Lesson 12: Would you like to come to my graduation?

  1. 2. birthday cake, birthday present, birthday _____
  2. 6. 축하하다
  3. 9. heart
  4. 11. black and white keys
  5. 12. 가운데
  6. 13. In February you will __________ school
  7. 16. me, ____, us
  8. 19. place with many books
  9. 20. 교환하다
  10. 22. thumbs up, good
  1. 1. special day once every year
  2. 3. chips, candy, ramyeon
  3. 4. 가져오다
  4. 5. 사과할 때
  5. 7. 가져가다
  6. 8. 까먹었다/잊다
  7. 10. I will go on ______ to the beach
  8. 12. 많은/많이
  9. 14. aunt and _______
  10. 15. a place to go listen to music
  11. 17. Cola, Cider, Fanta
  12. 18. not this one -----> this one
  13. 21. 놀다