Lesson 14 nutrition/hydration

  1. 3. tube placed through the abdomen directly into the stomach to provide nutrition
  2. 5. condition in which the body is unable to handle the amount of fluids consumed
  3. 8. tube placed through the nose to the stomach used to provide nutrition
  4. 10. excessive loss of fluid from the body
  5. 13. H2O; most essential nutrient for life
  6. 14. nothing by mouth
  7. 16. substances found in food which provide nourishment
  8. 17. help the body store energy and use certain vitamins
  1. 1. organice compounds obtained from one's diet or dietary supplements; helps the body function
  2. 2. the fuel or energy value of food
  3. 4. tube placed edoscopically; directly inot the stomach and used to provided nourishment
  4. 5. a restriction of the amount of fluids a resident may have per day
  5. 6. tube placed into the second part of the small intestines to provide nutrition
  6. 7. compounds foun in the diet or dietary supplements; builds body tissue, regulates body fluids, promotes bone and tooth formation, affects nerve and muscle function
  7. 9. inhalation of food or drink into the lungs
  8. 11. fluids consumed
  9. 12. nourishment; the process by which the body takes in food to maintain life
  10. 15. complex compounds found in all living matter; promote growth and repair of tissue