Lesson 2 Properties of Waves

  1. 2. *speed at which waves travel
  2. 7. waves that do not require a medium, so they can travel in a vacuum
  3. 10. *the way frequency is expressed
  4. 11. a ______is a material through which a wave travels
  5. 12. *is a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another
  6. 13. wave speed/frequency
  7. 14. *time required for one cycle
  8. 15. distance/time
  1. 1. are the crests that spread out more than one dimension that are drawn as circles or spheres
  2. 3. *tells how many cycles occur in an amount of time
  3. 4. all waves carry ______ from one place to another
  4. 5. these are waves that can carry enough energy to damage human tissue
  5. 6. is a wave that requires a medium through which to travel
  6. 7. an _____ is a disturbance in electric and magnetic fields
  7. 8. *is a measure of how far the particles on the medium move away from their
  8. 9. wave length/wave period