Lesson 2 Review - Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. Do you know anything about _______________________? It's a traditional Korean painting.
  2. 5. It's a traditional Korean food. It's red and spicy.
  3. 8. What does the family see? (pg. 22-23)
  4. 11. Do you know anything about ______________? It's a traditional Spanish dance.
  5. 12. Where are Rainbow trees? (pg. 30)
  6. 13. It's a traditional Korean dance. (pg. 32)
  7. 14. Do you know about the trees on Troy's _________________? (pg. 29)
  8. 15. What are Ryan and Minjun looking at? (pg. 24)
  1. 1. What sport are the kids playing? (pg. 25)
  2. 2. What __________ you say?
  3. 3. What is the dad holding in his hands? (pg. 22)
  4. 6. What do the kids watch FIRST at the World Culture Festival? ( pg. 26)
  5. 7. Rainbow Trees are tall and _________________. (pg. 30)
  6. 9. What color is the paper made from rainbow trees? (pg. 31)
  7. 10. What is yunnori? It's a traditional Korean _________________.