Lesson 21 Vocabulary

  1. 1. leader, genitive
  2. 3. Masculine and feminine nouns of the 3rd Declension have the _____ endings
  3. 4. soldier, genitive
  4. 8. king, nominative
  5. 9. father, nominative
  6. 11. brother, genitive
  7. 14. sister, nominative
  8. 15. The ______ case singular form has a variable ending
  9. 16. soldier, nominative
  10. 17. To find the stem for 3rd Declension nouns you drop the -is from the _____ case singular ending.
  1. 1. Adjective agree with a Latin noun in gender, case, and number but not _____.
  2. 2. mater nurturing mother
  3. 5. sister, genitive
  4. 6. leader, nominative
  5. 7. mother, genitive
  6. 10. father, genitive
  7. 12. king, genitive
  8. 13. brother, nominative
  9. 16. mother, nominative