Lesson 26: On Matrimony

  1. 3. One of the effects of matrimony is to enable parents to bring up their _____ in love and fear of God.
  2. 5. The _____ alone has the right to make laws concerning the Sacrament of Matrimony.
  3. 6. The Sacrament which unites man and woman in lawful marriage.
  4. 9. Without thinking well beforehand
  5. 12. Caring little or nothing about God or religion
  6. 14. Faults and failings
  7. 15. Can the bond of marriage be dissolved by any human power?
  8. 17. Christ raised marriage to the dignity of a _____.
  1. 1. High rank
  2. 2. Training of mind and heart
  3. 4. Tie, union
  4. 7. Motive
  5. 8. According to law
  6. 10. One of the effects of matrimony is that it sanctifies the _____ between husband and wife.
  7. 11. Should couples receive the Sacrament of Matrimony in a state of grace?
  8. 13. Broken up
  9. 16. One of the effects of matrimony is to give _____ for husband and wife to bear each other's weaknesses.