Lesson 26 Vocabulary

  1. 3. computer virus that makes copies of itself
  2. 4. story which at one time could have been partially true, but has grown into a mythical yarn
  3. 5. electronic junk mail
  4. 11. process used to cut down on or eliminate junk mail
  5. 12. illicit business model
  6. 13. telecommunications service
  7. 15. attempt to deceive an audience into believing something false is real
  8. 16. adding keywords to content to simplify searching
  1. 1. examines a fingerprint, voice pattern, or the eye
  2. 2. something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery to gain an advantage
  3. 6. computer virus that does something different from what it is expected to do
  4. 7. format developed to facilitate syndication of news articles
  5. 8. types of personal information scams
  6. 9. computer virus triggered by appearance or disappearance of specified data
  7. 10. computer program that is written to cause corruption of data
  8. 13. computer virus that doesn't cause its damage until a certain date
  9. 14. refers to good manners when you're online