Lesson 28 spelling

  1. 3. Federal government, lawmakers
  2. 5. to tryout or interview for a role in a movie or play
  3. 7. to make or create something
  4. 8. to force or throw
  5. 10. a written or spoken agreement
  6. 13. a doctor does this with medicine
  7. 16. a book, document or piece of music written by hand
  8. 17. human voice
  1. 1. words taught in specific school subjects
  2. 2. to advance or get better
  3. 4. to clean up or maintain, fingernails
  4. 6. a crowd of people watching a performance
  5. 9. to force, such as a vaccine
  6. 11. to reveal or uncover
  7. 12. a plan or suggestion
  8. 14. to remove
  9. 15. instructions