Lesson 3. Review

  1. 2. 옷, 의복
  2. 6. 충고, 조언
  3. 10. sleep의 과거분사형
  4. 12. ( ) on: ~에 집중하다
  5. 13. a photograph that one has taken of oneself
  6. 16. 낯선 사람
  7. 17. Have you ( ) heard of Kim Soyun, the rock climber?
  1. 1. read의 과거분사형
  2. 3. 물다
  3. 4. a building where many valuable objects are kept so that people can go and see them
  4. 5. to sit or stand in a particular position in order to be painted or photographed
  5. 7. I'll keep that in ( ). 명심할게요.
  6. 8. Don't ( ) up. (전화) 끊지 마.
  7. 9. 경치
  8. 10. You should not stand up or move ( )s while the bus is in motion.
  9. 11. time before the present
  10. 13. not dangerous
  11. 14. I have ( ) in Changwon since I was born.
  12. 15. I haven't ( ) a girl friend since I was 13.