Lesson 5: The Atomic Theory

  1. 7. they are negatively charged
  2. 8. contributed to the development of the atomic theory
  3. 9. that is where most of the mass of an atom is
  4. 10. the basic unit of an element
  5. 12. electrons move around the nucleus on
  6. 13. tells us how many protons and electrons are present in the element
  7. 15. elements can be combined to make these
  8. 17. the periodic table of elements shows the names and abbreviations for each....
  9. 18. bonding between non-metal
  1. 1. he did an experiment where he shot beams of radiation through gold foil
  2. 2. they are positively charged
  3. 3. believed in ideas without experimentation
  4. 4. the center of the atom
  5. 5. the production of insulin molecules to treat diabetes was made possible by the work of....
  6. 6. believed all matter was made of atoms
  7. 11. anything that has mass and takes up space
  8. 14. these scientists are able to replicate naturally occurring molecules to help people with deficiencies
  9. 16. they carry no charge