Lesson 5: The Bible is God’s Message to Us

  1. 2. The Bible survived (blank)
  2. 4. They (blank) the Bible
  3. 7. (blank) 10:34,35
  4. 11. Who has (blank) to the Bible?
  5. 12. If men wrote the Bible, how is God its (blank)?
  6. 13. A Book for all (blank)
  7. 15. (blank) 40:8
  8. 16. The Bible (blank) it’s Author
  9. 19. (blank) 14:6
  10. 20. Has the Bible been Changed or been (blank) With?
  1. 1. The Bible is just an (blank) written by humans [2 words]
  2. 3. The Bible is the most widely (blank) and distributed book in history.
  3. 5. 2 (blank) 3:16
  4. 6. (blank) 119:97
  5. 8. The Bible - A Story of (blank)
  6. 9. 2 (blank) 1:21
  7. 10. 1 (blank) 2:13
  8. 14. How has Jehovah (blank) the Bible?
  9. 17. The Bible is God’s Word and he has made sure that it has become available to all (blank).
  10. 18. How the Bible (blank) to us