Lesson 6: Money Matters

  1. 2. a synonym of this word is anguish or pain
  2. 3. it consists of earners, buyers, sellers, and borrowers
  3. 7. what is an antonym of angry/mad
  4. 10. having a lot of something
  5. 12. what is the part of speech of destitute
  6. 13. the word for someone who purchases things
  1. 1. the antonym of a seller
  2. 4. when you have good feeling about the future
  3. 5. this is when someone feels better
  4. 6. when you put money into an account that grows over time
  5. 8. from Latin and means away, away from (begins with the letter "d")
  6. 9. an antonym of hold up or succeed
  7. 11. to get better