Lesson 6 Traffic Rules

  1. 1. aid kit a set of materials and tools used for giving emergency treatment to a sick or injured person.
  2. 4. take place; occur.
  3. 7. a small pool of liquid
  4. 9. not habitually or commonly occurring or done.
  5. 10. anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems
  6. 13. the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties.
  7. 15. refuse to take notice of or acknowledge
  8. 16. a follower of the religion of Islam.
  9. 19. comply with the command
  10. 21. an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly
  11. 22. keep safe from harm or injury.
  12. 24. in a way that gives protection from danger or risk.
  1. 1. a sum of money exacted as a penalty by a court of law or other authority
  2. 2. a gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information
  3. 3. making sure of avoiding potential danger,
  4. 5. made ready for use
  5. 6. a sound made by something striking or falling into liquid.
  6. 8. a person who drives a vehicle.
  7. 11. moisture condensed from the atmosphere that falls visibly
  8. 12. a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.
  9. 14. in the absence of.
  10. 17. the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger
  11. 18. one of a set of explicit or understood regulations
  12. 20. extinguisher used to put out a fire
  13. 23. the number of vehicles moving along roads