Lesson 8 Spelling 5th

  1. 3. Don't be put off by her _______, she is just shy.
  2. 4. I asked Mrs. Walker to _______ the math questions.
  3. 8. ______ that driving by? (has an apostrophe)
  4. 10. Sorry, I'm not ______ to watch that show.
  5. 11. The bridge is made of _____, thats why its so strong.
  6. 12. Wow, that is a beautiful ______.
  7. 14. Make sure you _____ the plant deep enough in the ground.
  8. 15. Make sure you ______ out the mop so its not too wet.
  9. 16. My mom said "Don't ______ it on candy or your tummy will hurt."
  10. 17. Do not ______ from the store, that is wrong.
  1. 1. I turned my homework in a day late, so it was ______.
  2. 2. _______ dog is that?
  3. 3. Earl Young built a big house called Boulder ______.
  4. 4. Our math ______ was about fractions today.
  5. 5. The building ______ was ready for concrete.
  6. 6. At the Farmer's Market, I'm looking for a certain type of _____.
  7. 7. I have to hang all my uniform clothes on a ______.
  8. 9. He has a _____ for his airplane at his house.
  9. 10. Mrs. Walker read the book _____ to us.
  10. 13. The sunset is such a beautiful ________.