lesson vigint sseptem XXVII adverbs, 6 tenses, vocabulary, derivatives--leave a space between words in multiple-word answers

  1. 1. loot acc. sing
  2. 4. Whole fem.sing.dat.
  3. 8. they will have desired
  4. 11. either…or
  5. 13. protection-acc-plur
  6. 16. a medicine whose effectiveness is unproved and whose ingredients are usually secret; a quack remedy//a favorite but untested remedy for problems or evils
  7. 17. they had lost masc.nom.sing
  8. 18. me dat. sing
  9. 19. even, still, also
  10. 24. we nom.
  11. 26. neither…nor
  12. 30. ī will answer
  13. 31. both…and
  14. 32. we will wish or desire
  15. 33. to kill
  16. 38. a member of the set of positive whole numbers(1,2,3…) negative whole numbers (-1, -2, -3…)and zero. //A complete unit or entity,
  17. 41. he nom.
  18. 42. I will wish
  19. 43. you dat.plur
  20. 44. they did lose
  21. 45. of us, ours
  22. 47. they did kill
  23. 49. You plur. did want
  24. 52. you nom. sing.
  25. 53. they used to lose
  26. 56. I will send away
  27. 58. the self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves,//in psychoanalysis, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external reality.//an exaggerated sense of self-importance, conceit//appropriate pride in oneself, self-esteem (New Latin)
  28. 59. greatly
  29. 61. and, and also
  30. 64. they will have earned
  31. 65. I do desire
  32. 67. excessive desire, especially for wealth, covetousness or avarice
  1. 2. they will deserve
  2. 3. danger abl.sing.
  3. 5. and (joined to the second word)
  4. 6. to make a reply, answer//to at in return or in answer//to react positively or favorable//to give a a reply : answer//a pilaster supporting an arch
  5. 7. never
  6. 9. answering or replying, responding//readily reacting to suggestions, influences, appeals, or efforts//containing or using responses
  7. 10. notably (in a well-known fashion)
  8. 12. us abl. plur.
  9. 14. always
  10. 15. freshly masc.nom. sing.
  11. 20. untouched neut.sing.
  12. 21. badly
  13. 22. they were killing
  14. 23. we will seize
  15. 25. often
  16. 27. I nom. sing
  17. 28. we will have answered
  18. 29. to respond
  19. 34. to end the employment or service of, discharge//to direct or allow to leave//to stop considering, rid one’s mind of, dispel//to refuse to accept or recognize, reject//Law: to put (a claim, or action) out of court without further hearing.//Sports: to put out (a batter) in cricket
  20. 35. of me
  21. 36. having been killed nom. neut. Sing.
  22. 37. readily
  23. 39. you nom. plur.
  24. 40. the act of dismissing, the condition of being dismissed/an order or notice of discharge
  25. 41. steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code//the stat of being unimpaired, soundness//the ;quality of condition of being whole or undivided completeness
  26. 42. I have desired
  27. 43. of you/yours plur.
  28. 46. I was sending away
  29. 48. you acc. sing
  30. 49. they will wish
  31. 50. I have killed
  32. 51. she nom.
  33. 54. me acc.sing.
  34. 55. well
  35. 57. you have earned sing.
  36. 60. excellently
  37. 62. you dat. sing
  38. 63. almost
  39. 66. of you sing.