Lessons 11, 12, 13

  1. 2. Most government loans specify these criteria. (lesson 13)
  2. 3. What is it called to any additional cost incurred when first receiving or finishing paying off your loan. (lesson 12)
  3. 4. Sometimes they aren’t called scholarships, they can be listed under... (lesson 13)
  4. 8. The type of school that you find is right on your level. (lesson 11)
  5. 10. What is called to the school that has a great reputation and the data for the specific area of study is promising? (lesson 11)
  6. 11. The maximum amount of ... allowed to pay back the loans and interest. (lesson 12)
  7. 14. Where to get a scholarship? (lesson 13)
  8. 17. These are taxes that you must pay to the government if you own any property. (lesson 12)
  9. 18. Any amount of money that you borrow and are expected to pay back. (lesson 12)
  10. 19. Who said “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”? (lesson 13)
  11. 20. How many sections does the EXANI II. has? (lesson 11)
  1. 1. A form of financial aid awarded on the basis of merit. (lesson 13)
  2. 5. These type of taxes go directly to the government, social security, and medicare or any other type of public health services. (lesson 12)
  3. 6. A school that you are sure to get into but might be a bit below your standards. (lesson 11)
  4. 7. Is the most required test in the United States in order to apply for a college or university. (lesson 11)
  5. 9. EXANI-II a general knowledge test created and administered by?(lesson 11)
  6. 12. What is it called to the Beca para Estudios en el Extranjero? (lesson 13)
  7. 13. Everything you spend money on is called... (lesson 12)
  8. 15. Of how many areas the SAT consist of? (lesson 11)
  9. 16. How many sections does "The ACT" has? (lesson 11)