Lessons 11, 12 and 13

  1. 7. Test to see if someone should be admitted to a school
  2. 8. Tax on any money you make
  3. 10. School that you may or may not get into
  4. 11. the most required test in the United States in order to apply for a college or university
  5. 14. The additional percentage you have to pay back
  6. 15. Higher level of academic achievement
  7. 16. Evidence of ability and potential
  8. 18. School that you find is right on your level
  9. 19. Position of a student or trainee who works in an organization, sometimes without pay
  10. 20. An amount that sums up the interest owed, commissions, insurance, and any other associated fees
  1. 1. A step towards a future goal
  2. 2. Tax you pay when you buy anything
  3. 3. Tax you pay for owning a property
  4. 4. possession of the set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their financial resources
  5. 5. Scholarships specifically geared toward students who intend to study in a certain academic field
  6. 6. activities that show the truth of your claim
  7. 9. Any additional cost incurred when first receiving or finishing paying off your loan
  8. 12. A quality that sets you apart
  9. 13. school that you are sure to get into but might be a bit below your standards
  10. 17. Has these four sections English, math, reading and science