- 3. A knapsack, often mounted on a lightweight frame
- 9. I use to keep your food cold
- 11. At night you may gather around me
- 12. They make food prep and cooking easier
- 13. I keeps your hands warm in cold conditions
- 16. You put me under your head while you are sleeping
- 17. I provide light in your campsite
- 19. What do you roast that makes you really sticky?
- 20. Something that you pitch
- 1. I is a form of transport with 2 wheels
- 2. You always take me with you to drink while hiking
- 4. You use me to chop wood
- 5. I will protects you from the sun
- 6. I have handle and blade and you will use me to digging
- 7. You might use me to find your way in the dark
- 8. You use me for determining directions
- 10. Blood sucking insect
- 14. I made from wooden material that is gathered and used for fuel
- 15. You will use me to start a fire
- 18. A form of transport used in white water