Let's go shopping

  1. 2. To make fruit salad, we need .. .
  2. 5. We can buy this in the bakery
  3. 7. The taste juice
  4. 8. 'Uang' in English . . .
  5. 11. 'Murah' in English is ...
  6. 12. This is my birthday. I eat ...
  7. 13. 'Mentega' in English is ...
  8. 17. 'Menawar' in English is ...
  9. 19. 'Bawang merah' in english is ..
  10. 20. We buy this in the stationery. it is for writing.
  11. 21. The taste of soup
  12. 22. The taste is spicy
  13. 23. To make omelet we need
  1. 1. 'Membeli' in English is . .
  2. 3. 'Tomat' in englis is . .
  3. 4. We buy it in the butcher
  4. 5. Toko dating in English is . .
  5. 6. We can order food and drinks here.
  6. 8. To make abon we need ..
  7. 9. The taste of dark coffee
  8. 10. The taste of lemon is ..
  9. 14. 'Mahal' in English is ...
  10. 15. 'Suka' in English is ..
  11. 16. We need this to make fried fries
  12. 17. Monkey likes these fruits
  13. 18. The taste of Samyang is . . .