Let's talk about technology!

  1. 2. I always get lost while I'm driving. I should buy a ________
  2. 4. You have to ____________ your mobile at the cinema.
  3. 6. Do you have a _________ so that I can print my homework for tomorrow?
  4. 7. Your music is very loud. Can you _______ it ________?
  5. 8. The Internet is the biggest __________ of the XXI century.
  6. 9. I love reading books but they take up to much space. I think I will buy an ___________.
  1. 1. The computer is very noisy so we _______ it _______ at night.
  2. 3. You have to _____________ the USB to your computer.
  3. 4. My dad can also check his email in his new _____________
  4. 5. Thanks to technology, everything is __________. You can take everything with you!