Let's travel!

  1. 1. the opposite of 'finish' (VERB)
  2. 6. a place that has rooms in which people can stay especially when they are traveling (NOUN)
  3. 7. to keep back, as for future use or for a special purpose (VERB)
  4. 9. documentation absolutely required to be legally received into a foreign country (NOUN)
  5. 11. one carries these belongings while traveling (NOUN)
  6. 14. capital of Czech Republic (NAME)
  7. 16. capital of Brazil (NAME)
  8. 17. in when a plane arrives on an airport (PHRASAL VERB)
  9. 18. skin color adopted when you spend a day on the beach(ADJECTIVE)
  10. 19. the train stops here (NOUN)
  11. 21. when a plane leaves and begins to fly (PHRASAL VERB)
  12. 22. to go from one place to another, as on a trip (VERB)
  13. 24. to go and fetch someone from a place and take them somewhere else (PHRASAL VERB)
  1. 2. "People from Holand use to be ___ than Spaniards,(ADJECTIVE) they may be good at basketball"
  2. 3. "Airport's check in makes you to ___ a lot of time" (VERB)
  3. 4. person travelling on holiday (NOUN)
  4. 5. to register at a hotel (PHRASAL VERB)
  5. 8. what a travel to Dubai might be(ADJECTIVE)
  6. 10. capital of Macedonia (NAME)
  7. 12. "Travelling with Etihad Airways makes the difference in what terms of ___ concerns".(ADJECTIVE)
  8. 13. capital of Wales (NAME)
  9. 15. common hair color among Swedish tourists(ADJECTIVE)
  10. 20. capital of Croatia (NAME)
  11. 23. "I'm going to ___ the British Museum" (VERB)