Immu's First Christmas: 001- Immu's First Christmas

  1. 2. Christmas is an _________
  2. 4. an event that is happening in about 20 days from now which happens only once (Word 1 of 3)
  3. 5. ranked number one
  4. 9. Immu's First Christmas is an __________ event
  5. 12. an event that is happening in about 20 days from now which happens only once (Word 3 of 3)
  6. 13. a human that is up to 1 year old
  7. 14. a very young human
  8. 15. Immu's First Christma is an very _____________ event
  1. 1. a religion for Christ- tians
  2. 3. DID YOU FORGET?!
  3. 6. day Jesus was born
  4. 7. milk in another language
  5. 8. Immu's food
  6. 10. baby sleeps here
  7. 11. an event that is happening in about 20 days from now which happens only once (Word 2 of 3)
  8. 12. baby is rocked here