- 1. When you rub your socks on the carpet then zap someone using__
- 3. The seventh planet discovered by William Herschel in 1781
- 4. The second planet from the sun in the solar system, the brightest celestial object after the sun and moon
- 5. The blue planet known as the sea god, also the eighth planet
- 6. The thing that keeps us from flying off into space
- 8. The largest planet in the solar system, a gas giant that is the fifth planet in order from the sun
- 9. The branch of biology concerned with the study of life n space
- 12. a small, reddish planet that is the fourth in order from the sun
- 13. A small planet that is the closest to the sun in the solar system, sometimes visible to the naked eye just after sunset
- 1. The sixth planet in the solar system, circled by a system of broad, flat rings
- 2. The force that keeps us from colliding into the sun
- 5. A theory of how our solar system formed
- 7. A branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space and the universe
- 11. The star around which the planets in the Milky Way Galaxy orbit