Level 3 Book 15 Revison

  1. 4. Upper body garment for warmth or protection.
  2. 5. Fall season with falling leaves and cooler weather.
  3. 9. Walking in nature.
  4. 11. A foldable item that is used for rain or sun protection.
  5. 12. Coldest season with cold temperatures and possible snow.
  6. 13. Long fabric worn for warmth or style, usually for your neck.
  7. 15. Covered in snow.
  8. 16. Having strong winds.
  1. 1. Team sport played with a ball with your feet.
  2. 2. Headcovering for protection from the sun.
  3. 3. Full of bright sunshine.
  4. 6. Sea robber with an eyepatch on a ship.
  5. 7. Warmest season with high temperatures.
  6. 8. Different parts of the year with distinct weather changes.
  7. 10. Having lots of rain.
  8. 12. Moderately hot.
  9. 14. Ranch worker who herds cattle.
  10. 15. Season after winter with blooming flowers and warmer weather.