Levels or Organization

  1. 2. The system that is responsible for gas exchange (Oxygen and CO2)
  2. 7. The system that transports nutrients throughout our body using blood
  3. 8. The vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  4. 9. The "information highway" of the nervous system
  5. 10. The control center of the body
  6. 12. The vessel that carries blood to the heart
  7. 14. The system that controls and coordinates communication of our body
  8. 16. The organ that travels food to the stomach
  9. 17. The organ that pumps blood throughout the body
  10. 19. The larger organ that absorbs nutrients and gets rid of waste
  11. 20. The opening for digestive and respiratory system
  12. 21. The organ that controls breathing/respiration
  1. 1. Organs form together to make __________ (Ex: Nervous System, Respiratory System)
  2. 3. specialized cells grouped together to form ______
  3. 4. The muscle that pushes air in and out of the lungs
  4. 5. The system that helps us digest food
  5. 6. Tissues form together to make ______ (Ex: Brain, heart, lungs)
  6. 7. The smallest vessel that connects the other vessels
  7. 9. The smaller organ that breaks down food and absorbs nutrients
  8. 11. The sacs in the lungs that move gases around
  9. 13. The cells that make up the nervous system
  10. 15. The organ that digests food by mixing it into a liquid with its muscles
  11. 18. Smallest living thing