Levi week 2

  1. 2. the rear part of the human body, extending from the neck to the lower end of the spine
  2. 4. of more than average size, quantity, degree, etc
  3. 6. a series of pleasing musical tones
  4. 8. those individuals
  5. 10. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard
  6. 11. of a kind just specified or to be specified
  7. 14. level; flat; without surface irregularities; smooth
  8. 15. to understand language through written symbols for speech sounds
  9. 17. for what cause or reason
  10. 18. a track made by traveling on foot
  1. 1. outward appearance; the form or appearance of something
  2. 3. in the space separating
  3. 4. a long thin cord or rope
  4. 5. in addition
  5. 7. to send, expel, or otherwise cause to move by force or compulsion
  6. 9. to be commanded, requested or urged to
  7. 12. in this place; in this spot or locality
  8. 13. morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious
  9. 16. one, a, an, or some; one or more without specification
  10. 17. to cleanse with water and usually a cleaning agent