Lexi - The Vampire Diaries

  1. 2. Joe's evil twin
  2. 3. Elena's and Jeremy's Guardian
  3. 7. Ghosts that Possess people
  4. 8. Jeremy is a ________-______
  5. 10. Elena's brother
  6. 12. Stephans older brother
  7. 13. The only Original Hybrid
  8. 14. Stephan and Damons last name
  9. 17. Vampires way to hypnotize humans
  10. 18. Damon and Stephan's mother
  11. 19. The noble Original
  1. 1. Elena's Best Friend
  2. 2. Elena's evil doppelganger
  3. 4. Bonnie is a _____
  4. 5. Elena's home town
  5. 6. Mix between a werewolf and vampire
  6. 9. Dated Stephan then Damon
  7. 11. Human that Turns into a wolf every full moon
  8. 15. The very first vampires
  9. 16. Damon's New best friend