Lexical : The Canadian Tale

  1. 6. A winter sport, we need a stick and protection to we are not hurt .
  2. 7. In winter, we slide on the snow, we sit on the ... .
  3. 9. This is a thing that make a flame.
  4. 11. A world in at peace is ........ .
  5. 13. Trees have under the earth .... .
  6. 14. But in return, citizens have ..... .
  1. 1. Little ocean
  2. 2. before Christophe Colomb, the America is ......... .
  3. 3. Canada haves a cultur ...... thanks to migrant.
  4. 4. The univers is b....... .
  5. 5. Opposite of juste.
  6. 6. This is a sport, we walk in mountain.
  7. 8. Citizens must respect their .... .
  8. 10. at the top of a mountain
  9. 12. Between 2 country, there is a .... .