L.I.: Demonstrate understanding of unit vocabulary.

  1. 2. In the summer the weather is very ________. So we go to the beach to cool off.
  2. 3. Some animals grow thick _________ to keep them warm during winter.
  3. 5. In the winter, it is very __________ and water freezes and turns to snow.
  4. 7. In the spring, flowers ____________and show their petals and leaves.
  5. 9. ___________lose their leaves to save water in the fall.
  6. 11. When it is cold outside, we _________hot chocolate to keep warm. In the summer we __________cold things like ice water.
  7. 12. This is when animals "sleep" for the winter to store their energy.
  8. 13. This holiday was Sunday. We celebrate it to remember when Christ rose from the dead.
  1. 1. In the summer, we try to eat lighter __________like salads and fattier __________in the winter like some meats.
  2. 4. Trees stay warm by keeping these underground. It rhymes with boots.
  3. 6. "How many are __________"? uses this key word to tell us to subtract in word problems.
  4. 8. Some animals like geese and buffalo ___________or move to warmer weather to find food before the winter.
  5. 10. People wear heavy jackets and gloves in the winter to keep warm and we use umbrellas in the spring when it rains. This is called __________.
  6. 14. A key phrase in math that tells us to add is "in_______" or " _______together".