Liam's Ancient India Choice Project

  1. 2. The focusing of the mind on spiritual ideas
  2. 3. Born a prince; left the palace to find a way to end suffering
  3. 4. Hindus believe this man was sacrificed to make the world
  4. 7. The class Siddhartha was born into
  5. 9. Hindus practice this to focus their minds and bodies
  6. 10. A Hindu god often depicted with the head of an elephant
  7. 12. Going without food
  1. 1. Rites of passage to prepare a person for the next stage of their life
  2. 2. The larger branch of Buddhism
  3. 5. The Universal Spirit
  4. 6. A state of perfect peace
  5. 8. Individuals might offer this to a god or goddess
  6. 11. The Hindu destroyer god
  7. 12. The type of tree that Buddha meditated under