Liam's Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. is a hardware component that holds all your digital information you implant in the drive
  2. 5. They are used mostly to remember information about you and keep track of browsing active, piracy, and more.
  3. 6. is a low-cost alternative to traditional laptops from Google
  4. 7. is a collection of information stored in a computers system or any other form of storage.
  5. 8. is all of the things you can access remotely over the Internet.
  6. 11. is a video camera that captures recordings or take images as well as to connect to other computers
  7. 13. A quotation from or reference from a book, paper, or an author.
  8. 15. system that links multiple computing devices receive and share information
  9. 17. An electronic device for storing or processing data
  10. 23. is a app or device that is intended to attracted people to use it more frequently than they should.
  11. 24. is a device that filters through things going in and out of the computer.
  12. 25. is a wireless network technology that allows all mobile devices to connect to the internet.
  13. 26. is a software (internal) that provides a “brain” for your computer.
  14. 27. Technology you can connect to a network near you
  1. 2. a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities
  2. 3. a device that connects an electronic to the internet
  3. 4. is simply having the ability to use mobile/computers and internet in our day to day lives
  4. 9. is a reference to a resource that specifies its location on a computer network
  5. 10. is a personal computing device that is is made to be put on a office desk
  6. 12. acts as a buffer/holding space for information the computer
  7. 14. is the component holds the microprocessor
  8. 16. is a software program that helps people find the information they are looking for online
  9. 18. is an industry standard for short-distance digital data communication.
  10. 19. includes the physical parts of a computer.
  11. 20. is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks
  12. 21. is a cyberattack it uses emails,text,calls or website to get personal info
  13. 22. a piece of hardware that connects to your computer or device so that you may view what is on the device.