Librarian crosswords

  1. 2. Bibliometric index used to measure the importance or rank of a journal by calculating the times it's articles are cited
  2. 6. 150 hours students who work in the Unibo
  3. 8. It can be borrowed in the library
  4. 9. The search engine for academic articles with the double "o"
  5. 10. Service that helps to have articles from others libraries
  6. 11. Work/paper published in a journal
  7. 15. AND, OR, NOT are...?
  8. 17. The italian catalogue of journals
  9. 18. Service that allows to browse on the web as you are in the Unibo net
  1. 1. A word used to facilitate an online search for information
  2. 2. Set of abilities requiring individuals to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information
  3. 3. A reference manager software
  4. 4. The Catalogue of books shared by the libraries of the Bolognese Pole
  5. 5. The University of Bologna discovery tool
  6. 7. One of the most important databases that is not Wos nor Proquest
  7. 12. Acronym of the service that helps to have books from others libraries
  8. 13. Fantastic place where you can find books, journals and librarians
  9. 14. Acronym of the Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo
  10. 16. Free service through which you can ask articles or a book chapter not owned by your library