Librarian Presentation

  1. 2. does not allow you to sort out PR
  2. 4. google is great at giving you these
  3. 5. ___ web; wiki, google
  4. 6. what you copy and paste to return to the article, not he URL
  5. 8. Pactor's first name
  6. 11. collection of searchable info
  7. 12. these operators: AND, OR, NOT
  8. 13. ___-reviewed; preferred for your research argument
  9. 14. ___ web; illegal
  1. 1. (pl.) these are significant and describe your topic
  2. 3. can be a good source for keywords
  3. 4. not general and broad
  4. 7. library ___ (pl.)
  5. 9. ___ web; academic, medical + multilingual databases
  6. 10. ___ databases that offer full text