Library (moderate)

  1. 4. Dewey ______ System
  2. 7. The writer of a book
  3. 10. Something to save your place in a book
  4. 11. Where you can find loanable books
  5. 13. A preliminary draft of a book
  6. 14. When a library book must be returned
  7. 15. What you pay when a library book is late
  8. 16. A list of sources used to write a book
  1. 1. what you do with a book
  2. 2. another name for shelves of library books
  3. 3. based on true events
  4. 5. A library app that gives you access to e-books and e-audio books
  5. 6. Something you read
  6. 8. a story that is not real
  7. 9. The label on the spine of a library book
  8. 12. The things that fill a book