- 4. The first word on pg. 1266 of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary (R 423 Concise)
- 8. This group's semiannual book sales fund all JMRL library programs!
- 10. The number of self-check stations at the Crozet Library
- 12. The format of the Walking Dead books. Hint: Look at the location.
- 13. The cost to get a library card and check out items on it
- 15. The number of books you can check out of the library at one time.
- 1. The two presidents in the name of our library system.
- 2. The length of time that you can have a book checked out
- 3. The last name of the author of the book "My Librarian is a Camel"
- 5. A popular JMRL database where you can research your family tree
- 6. Who you go to when you want to ask a question or get a library card
- 7. The adult reference books are located on either side of this Crozet Library feature.
- 9. JMRL's Library on Wheels
- 11. What books are located on your right as soon as you walk through the front door of the library?
- 14. Where to go on the library website to find out more about downloading eBooks
- 16. The number of branches where you can use your library card