Library Display Crossword

  1. 5. A novel written as a series of letters, emails, or other forms of media
  2. 7. A shocking change in the direction of a book, typically near the end of a story (2 words)
  3. 9. A genre typically featuring teens in which the main character experiences growth (3 words)
  4. 11. A type of supernatural creature
  5. 12. A color
  1. 1. A unit of a skeleton
  2. 2. A short expression of appreciation at the start of a book
  3. 3. A pleasant story marked by suffering or regret
  4. 4. Often in the front of a book, depicts the, usually fantastical, setting of the novel
  5. 6. A book made up of comics or drawings (2 words)
  6. 8. A genre of writing
  7. 10. A group of them can be called a “treachery,” an “unkindness,” or a “conspiracy”