Library Lovers Month

  1. 2. Main character in a story
  2. 6. An organized collection of structured information
  3. 7. Periodical found in a library
  4. 9. Organized collection of books and media
  5. 11. Book summary found on the back cover
  6. 13. Storyline or main events in a book
  7. 16. Number on the spine of a library book
  8. 17. Book filled with recipes and culinary tips
  9. 18. Items given to the library by generous patrons
  1. 1. Quiet area for reading or studying
  2. 3. Type of book that tells a true story
  3. 4. Digital system for searching library books and resources
  4. 5. Late return penalty
  5. 8. Collection of maps
  6. 10. Place to return borrowed books
  7. 12. Expert in managing books, resources, and information
  8. 14. Historical records and documents preserved for research
  9. 15. Digital version of a book