Library Terms

  1. 4. A list of books, materials, and other items in the library
  2. 6. The person who draws the pictures in the book.
  3. 9. Books about true events and people
  4. 10. A group of books that are connected by characters or events.
  5. 12. A book that tells a story with pictures and words like a comic.
  6. 13. A number that identifies a book and is scanned when it is checked out
  7. 14. The part of the book you see when it’s on the shelf.
  8. 16. Bringing the book back to the library after reading
  9. 17. A book divided into chapters, often for older readers.
  10. 19. The name of the book.
  1. 1. The place where you put books when you’re done with them.
  2. 2. The person who writes the book.
  3. 3. A number that identifies a book
  4. 5. Made up stories
  5. 7. The app that allows you to place books on hold
  6. 8. Mrs. English is your __________.
  7. 11. A true story about someone’s life.
  8. 12. The type of story, like fiction, nonfiction, mystery, or fantasy.
  9. 15. To take a book home to read.
  10. 18. What you do when you want Mrs. English to save a book for you